Our New Location - Multiple Break Ins
Not even 3 months re-opened from a long lockdown, being off work, and investing everything into a new opportunity and the spa has experienced their first break and enter with theft in their new downtown Timmins location.

The man entered the Spa by breaking the window, being in and out in just a few minutes with what cash he could find. Unfortunately, the police couldn’t locate the man.
We announced our break in online, and received an overwhelming response from the community., thank you.
We wanted to show those in the area of the building that we are a group, who despite it all, still give back. We posted that we’re attaching scarfs and jackets, and a box of food. Inviting clients to stop by and hang some of their own. All day we watched clients dropping off more items and locals who need them coming by to grab what they need.

2 weeks later, a second break-in occurred. This was devastating, we have worked so hard for years in order to own our own location, and yet the expense of repairing damaged windows and replacing items being stole is a major set back. Not to mention, the women of the spa have been off work for the majority of the last two years due to COVID lockdowns.

Again, the police could not locate the man. There was a man found a month later with the owners credit card that was taken from this break and enter, however he denied it was from this event.
A hard decision had to be made, after numerous calls from other local down town business owners, a warning that they’ve been broken into 5, 10 or 15 times without reprieve. Our laser machines, our equipment, our supplies, everything is futile to being able to work. Insurance companies do not replace items of high value quickly, the practitioners of the spa couldn’t afford to push a month or two of client’s appointments while waiting for replacements. Bars on the windows was thousands of dollars, and the idea of boarding up the windows was NOT the aesthetic appeal we were wanting to project for clients… A move was decided, and scheduled for 2 days post the 2nd break-in.
The owner, Ms. Losier,, paid the hefty cost of moving the entire spa back into our old location: 119 Pine St South inside the Pine Plaza until the crime in the downtown can improve.