Online Hot Stone Massage Program
Into 3 Modules - 5 CEU Credits Per Module with NHPC for Continuing Credits
Disclaimer: JustNatural Holistic Spa & Institute Inc. has made every reasonable effort to ensure that the information in this manual is safe when conducted as instructed. The purpose of this course and these modules is to educate. The authors shall have neither liability, nor responsibility to, any person or entity with respect to any loss, damage or injury caused - or alleged to be caused-directly, or indirectly, by the information contained within.
Hot stone massage is a skill and complimentary service to many professionals in many fields, it can provide a lucrative and differentiating cornerstone to a massage practice. JustNatural’s hot stone manual will educate everyone from the beginner to the advanced body worker on becoming a qualified hot stone practitioner.
In the first module, (LEVEL 1) the student will learn the fundamentals of hot stones, risks/contraindications for safety, sanitization, proper care of equipment and the benefits to the body. $99.99+tax
The second (LEVEL 2), is designed for adding hot stone to services for face massage, such as with facials, to hands and feet, which also includes for manicures, pedicures. $99.99+tax
The third (LEVEL 3) final module are for those who would like to gain the knowledge and skills or full body massages with the hot stones. (We are not training non-body workers in massage itself. This program is based on the continuing knowledge you have existing as an aesthetician or masseuse). We also share business knowledge, tips and more. $99.99+tax